Movement Calculation Chart
The following chart shows how to apply the formula for calculating movement for thermoplastic materials and aluminum, which we included for comparision purposes. The formula incorporates the coefficient of linear expansion (COE), or the amount of movement per inch per 1° F.
Please note when referring to this chart that the COE values are averages of the different grades of materials within that group.
*Based on 6 feet (72 inches) of material exposed to a temperature range of 100° F
Material | COE (amount of movement per inch per 1° F) | Formula for Calculating Movement* (COE x 10-5 x length in inches x temperature range) | Amount of Movement | |
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
= | ||||
Aluminum | = |